

Please fill in the details below to download a Producer Statement.
  • DD dash MM dash YYYY
  • Street Number + Suburb + Town/City
  • *Note: If an Auckland AC2343 glazing form is required, please email us.

Topline Postless Balustrade

The seamless Topline is a top-mounted fin style balustrade which can be attached to most substrates (concrete, timber or steel) using a mounting rail and is ideal for balconies or as fencing on retaining walls. Structurally engineered for durability and strength while allowing for a continuous detail for waterproof integration, the weld-free Topline enhances privacy without blocking out light.

BIM-ready Revit Files

Log in to your UNEX Account to gain access to a number of digital drawing files to assist with specifying UNEX balustrades whether this is with Style and Assembly Specification DWGs or fully parametric BIM-ready Revit files for this style.

Producer Statement (PS1)

To download a PS1 for the Topline Postless Balustrade simply select a Fixing Specification as shown below (follow these steps for instructions):

CRT Top Rail

CRT Top Rail

Login into Ezispec to download a PS1 for this style.

Download Producer Statement

  • DD dash MM dash YYYY
  • Street Number + Suburb + Town/City
  • *Note: If an Auckland AC2343 glazing form is required, please email us.