Safa-Slat Framed Balustrade
So much more than a pre-engineered, compliant safety barrier, the Safa-Slat does double duty as a balustrade that offers great privacy at lower heights, while also offering superior screening and wind protection.
An ideal privacy divider for close-quarter living and unit or apartment balconies, this high-performing balustrade is ideal for concealing unsightly services or as a shed extension for your home.

Safa-Slat side fixed to substrate

Safa-Slat top fixed to substrate

BIM-ready Revit Files
Log in to your UNEX Account to gain access to a number of digital drawing files to assist with specifying UNEX balustrades whether this is with Style and Assembly Specification DWGs or fully parametric BIM-ready Revit files for this style, each containing a full suite of interchangeable rails types, as per below:
Producer Statement (PS1)
To download a PS1 for the Safa-Slat Framed Balustrade simply select a Top Rail and Fixing Specification as shown below (follow these steps for instructions):
PRR Top Rail
Login into Ezispec to download a PS1 for this style.
ART Top Rail
Login into Ezispec to download a PS1 for this style.
VRE Top Rail
Login into Ezispec to download a PS1 for this style.
VRR Top Rail
Login into Ezispec to download a PS1 for this style.
VRT Top Rail
Login into Ezispec to download a PS1 for this style.